How To Prevent Storm Damage from Trees

Tree Care Blog

How To Prevent Storm Damage from Trees

How To Prevent Storm Damage from Trees

Damage that comes from weak or diseased trees can be very expensive and hazardous. When tree maintenance is not done to keep them healthy, during windy conditions, they can be uprooted or branches can break and fall causing damage to your home, car, or anything else on your property that holds value to you.

What makes a tree more susceptible to storm damage?

There are many factors that make a tree weaker and therefore more hazardous and susceptible to damage, especially during strong wind conditions. One of these ways is a tree having open wounds caused by branches breaking off. These openings in the tree create a path for pests to enter the tree and cause damage by interfering with the nutrient flow or spreading disease.

Another cause of trees' likelihood of damage increasing during storms is a tree having excess growth, especially higher up in the tree, which blocks wind from flowing through. This can cause hazards from branches breaking and falling onto your property, or for the entire tree to be taken down. Along with overgrowth, a tree with excess fungus can lead to trunk rot which weakens the tree trunk and branches.

Tree services that help prevent damage from storms

There are many tree services that can help prevent damage to a tree, so consulting an arborist to evaluate your trees and their safety during storms is a good starting point.

Deadwood Removal

Deadwood removal is a great option to prevent damage from trees during windstorms. This service involves removing dead branches or deadwood from a tree to increase property safety. Dead or dying branches can be extremely hazardous during a storm, as they are more likely to break and fall, causing expensive damage to your home, driveway, or car. Even worse, it can put you or your loved ones in danger. A good way to reduce this risk is to have an arborist evaluate the health of your tree and remove dead branches that can lead to damage during windy conditions. In addition to reducing immediate risk during a storm, deadwood removal also helps protect the heartwood of the tree from insects and pests invading and causing damage which weakens the structure of the tree over time.

Learn more about how deadwood removal services can improve your property safety and tree health

Crown Thinning

When looking for ways to keep your trees healthy and safe during storms, consider services such as crown thinning that keeps foliage reduced to allow more airflow throughout the tree. This decreases the impact that harsh wind can have by giving the wind the ability to go through the tree rather than being blocked by overgrown branches and forcefully pushing against the tree.

Learn about the other ways that crown thinning is good for your trees

Maintaining the health of your the trees on your property is an essential step in storm damage prevention. Schedule a no-cost consultation online or with one of our field representatives to have one of our local, professional arborists consult with you on preventative services to improve your property safety.