Ever Green TLC

The Best Way to Water Trees

There are many variables that affect how much water a tree needs to thrive, such as the tree species and soil it’s planted in, temperature, level of exposure to light, and wind, to name a few. It’s important that trees are getting enough water to avoid tree stress, which can lead to insect infestation, disease, and death. Although circumstances can differ between trees, there are a few general watering rules that can lead to healthier and safer trees on your property.

Avoid shallow waterings

Generally, you want to avoid the shallow and frequent watering method. This is because doing so can lead to the roots developing on the surface which dry up more easily and have a hard time surviving in droughts. Instead, it’s generally a good idea to water infrequently and deeply. This type of watering is beneficial because it leads to deep root systems which are better off during droughts, as they are better able to maximize the water intake from surrounding soil and water deeper in the ground.

Avoid watering during the daytime

Watering during the evenings to early morning is generally a good idea, especially when using irrigation systems like sprinklers. This is because the water can better soak into the soil and less is evaporated. When you water during the day, your trees may not be getting as much water as you think due to the heat.

Give extra attention to trees in stressful environments

Trees planted near sidewalks or driveways and in parking lot islands have more limited soil surrounding them. Typically, trees planted in these environments will show signs of stress before others due to the lower levels of soil and moisture. In addition, trees planted on a slope be more vulnerable to stress. If you have a tree planted near your driveway or sidewalk, or on a hill, it’s typically a good idea to soak it infrequently in order to avoid stress and lead to further damage.

If you think that you have a tree that has become stressed, schedule a no-cost consultation online or with one of our field representatives to have one of our local, professional arborists consult with you on the best way to proceed for your tree’s health.