Ever Green TLC

Is Fall a Good Time To Plant Trees?

Spring is the season that has become most associated with planting and gardening because we see the leaves growing back, flowers blooming, and temperatures rising. Due to this, most people think that the best time of the year to plant trees and bushes is in the spring. However, despite how it may seem with temperatures dropping and leaves falling, planting in the fall has many benefits that can lead to a healthier tree and a better growth process. We have laid out a few of the reasons that planting in the fall is a good idea.

The beginning of the dormant season

The fall and winter are a tree’s time of rest. They become dormant, which is their form of hibernation, to survive the cold temperatures and short days of fall and winter. During this time, their water and nutrient consumption slows, as does their metabolism. This makes it safer and easier for the tree to be moved and planted in a new space without creating stress on the tree. Then, as spring comes and the ground softens and heats up, the tree is able to begin its growing season in its new home.

The tree is less stressed

Trees with low stress are able to grow and thrive much better than those with stress. Trees that are put under stress are more likely to experience disease and pests which is a less-than-ideal way for your tree to begin its journey on your property. There are several factors that put a tree under stress, one being high temperatures. When the temperature is higher, trees require more water and are working harder to grow in the heat. If you plant in the fall, you can avoid this due to the lower and more moderate temperature.

Additionally, spring is a busy time for trees as they work to grow their leaves. When you plant in the fall you allow them to get their roots established in the new soil without having to simultaneously put energy into growing their leaves like they would when planted in the spring. 

Optimal soil temperature for planting

Using this time to plant a tree can be quite beneficial because the soil is still moist and has not frozen yet. This gives the tree time to settle in and adapt to its new home before the temperatures drop and the ground freezes. Also, the soil in the earlier months of fall is actually softer than the spring because it has been warming up and softening all summer. Whereas in the spring, depending on the length and intensity of winter, the ground can stay hard for a while and make it harder to plant. 

Less maintenance for you

During the spring and summer when temperatures are higher, trees have higher transpiration, in which water is moving through them and exiting through the leaves. This means that they require more water throughout these warmer seasons, hence more effort on your end to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need to grow. During cooler months, they have lower transpiration and require less watering maintenance.

Planting trees can give you a fresh start and more life on your property, so it’s important to care for them no matter the time of year.  Schedule a no-cost consultation online or with one of our field representatives to have one of our local, professional arborists consult with you on the best way to proceed for your trees to grow better, stay strong, and add more beauty to your property.