Ever Green TLC

How to Create Privacy in Your Backyard

Feeling like you don’t have privacy in your own backyard is not a good feeling. Luckily, even if you live in a tight neighborhood with neighbors on all sides, there are ways to add privacy to your backyard and look natural. 

Privacy Hedges

Hedges can be very effective in creating privacy and blocking your neighbors’ view into your backyard so that you can enjoy your yard without feeling looked in on. Hedges are a great solution because they create a natural barrier that not only blocks others from seeing into your yard but also can help block noise and strong weather conditions. However, they can only be useful if they grow to the height you want and are well taken care of.

What Prevents Privacy Hedges from Growing?

Although you want your hedges to be full enough to screen your yard and meet your aesthetic expectations, allowing the hedge to have too much overgrowth can actually be harmful to its health. Over time, this can prevent it from reaching its height and fullness potential. Like any other plant, hedges need the proper treatment and care to thrive. If not cared for, hedges can become the perfect place for pests to nest and spread disease. This can have a negative impact on your overall yard health and surrounding plants, but also kill the hedge and lessen your privacy.

If not cared for, hedges can also be damaged by strong winds. Aside from privacy, one of the main benefits of hedges is their usefulness in filtering wind to help protect your yard and other plants from strong wind. However, when the hedge has too much foliage, the wind is not able to filter through the plant and is forced up against it which can be damaging to the plant. 

The environment surrounding the hedge also plays a big role in how it will develop. If nearby trees in your yard are overgrown and create too much shade, your hedge may not be getting the sunlight that it needs to flourish. 

Tree Services to Increase Backyard Privacy

A good way to maintain your hedge’s health and create optimal privacy for your backyard is to have services done to reduce their excess growth and dead or dying branches. Doing this helps remove space for pests to thrive and spread disease and allows more airflow throughout the hedge so that wind can filter through. Having shaping work done on your hedges can also help create a more aesthetically pleasing backyard!

 Schedule a no-cost consultation online or with one of our field representatives to have one of our local, professional arborists consult with you on your hedges and surrounding trees and evaluate their potential to create privacy!